Is Hostinger Good for WordPress Hosting? Detailed Review + Comparison with Other Providers

Certa Hosting Editorial Team

Did you know that the right WordPress hosting provider can impact everything from your site’s performance to its SEO rankings?

If you’re in the market for a new host, you may be considering Hostinger. However, before you make a choice, it’s important to see how it measures up against Certa Hosting and other prominent providers in terms of features, speed, and customer support.

So stay with us and find out if Hostinger is truly good for WordPress Hosting or if there are any other options out there worth considering. Here’s what metrics we’ll cover:

  • Performance and speed
  • Storage and bandwidth
  • Uptime guarantee
  • Pricing and plans
  • User reviews
  • …and many more

How Good Is Hostinger for WordPress Hosting Compared to Other Providers

Now, let’s compare Certa Hosting, Hostinger, and an average WordPress provider and find the best fit for you.

Hostinger Certa Hosting Average Provider
Performance Varies, up to 10x performance on higher plans 0.25s page load time, up to 48x faster than competitors Up to 5x performance on similar tier plans
Managed WordPress Support Managed with professional support Fully managed & monitored, UK WordPress experts available Generally managed, with varying support levels
SSD Storage 100-200 GB NVMe Storage Unlimited SSD storage on higher plans 50-200 GB SSD or mixed storage
Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited Often limited or metered
Free SSL Certificates Unlimited Free SSL Free Wildcard SSL for all plans Free SSL, often basic
Backups Weekly to daily backups depending on the plan Daily backups Weekly backups common
Staging Environment Standard staging tools Advanced staging features with easy management Basic to no staging in most cases
Uptime Guarantee 99.9% uptime guarantee 99.9999% with UK-based support 99.9% standard uptime
Security Features Standard DDoS protection, web firewall, malware scans Advanced malware scans, web application firewall, auto updates Basic to advanced security features
Additional Features Free CDN, dedicated IP on higher plans, access to WP AI tools Global CDN, autoscaling cloud platform, free daily backups Generally no CDN, limited extra features
Customer Service 24/7 customer support with global data centers 24/7 UK phone support, acclaimed 5-star service Standard 24/7 support, varies by provider
Unique Selling Proposition Very competitive pricing with robust feature set Up to 48x faster than other hosts, UK focus, premium managed services Varies widely


Performance and Speed

Speed is a critical factor for any website, influencing everything from user experience to SEO rankings.

  • Certa Hosting: Boasts an impressive average page load time of just 0.25 seconds, making it up to 48 times faster than some competitors. This exceptional performance is attributed to their use of advanced caching technologies and a robust server infrastructure.
  • Hostinger: While not as fast in direct comparison, still offers competitive speeds with LiteSpeed web servers and LSCWP Cache, particularly enhanced on higher-tier plans.
  • Average Provider: Typically offers decent speed but may not reach the lows of 0.25 seconds or the efficiency of LiteSpeed technology. This often results in speeds that are adequate for basic sites but slower in handling high traffic or complex dynamic content.

Storage and Bandwidth

​​Storage and Bandwidth are foundational elements and determine how much data your website can hold and how much traffic it can handle without compromising performance.

  • Certa Hosting: Excels with unlimited SSD storage and bandwidth on higher plans. It accommodates websites with high traffic and large media files without performance degradation. This is a significant advantage for sites that anticipate growth and spikes in visitor numbers.
  • Hostinger: Offers substantial SSD storage, up to 200 GB on its highest plan, and unlimited bandwidth, which aligns well with industry standards yet is bounded by the plan tier.
  • Average Provider: Generally offers between50-200 GB of SSD storage and may impose bandwidth limitations, which can impact site performance and scalability.

Uptime Guarantee

Uptime Guarantee reflects the reliability of a hosting service, promising how consistently your website will be accessible online without interruptions.

  • Certa Hosting: Offers an impressive 100% uptime guarantee, suggesting a commitment to exceptional service levels and reliability. This is quite remarkable, as it promises no downtime for websites hosted on their platform.
  • Hostinger: Provides a standard 99.9% uptime guarantee, which is generally acceptable and aligns with industry norms but falls slightly short of Certa’s offer.
  • Average Provider: Typically promises 99.9% uptime.

So, we can see that Certa’s guarantee is a standout feature, ensuring that your website remains operational without any interruptions. This level of reliability is particularly important for business-critical websites where even a small amount of downtime can lead to significant revenue loss and negatively impact user experience.

Security and SSL

Security is paramount in WordPress hosting due to the platform’s popularity and vulnerability to attacks.

  • Certa Hosting: Provides comprehensive security measures including free wildcard SSL certificates for all plans, advanced malware scans, and a web application firewall to protect against various online threats.
  • Hostinger: Also ensures robust security with unlimited free SSL certificates and includes DDoS protection and malware scanning as part of its package.
  • Average Provider: Typically includes basic free SSL certificates and some form of protective measures but might lack the more advanced, proactive security features like Certa and Hostinger offer.

Backup and Data Management

Regular backups are crucial for data integrity and recovery in case of accidental loss or cyber-attacks.

  • Certa Hosting: Stands out with daily backups across all its plans, ensuring that client data is consistently archived and can be restored to minimize downtime and data loss.
  • Hostinger: Varies its backup frequency from weekly to daily depending on the plan, which still provides a reasonable safety net for data.
  • Average Provider: Services might offer weekly backups and could charge extra for more frequent or on-demand backups. This means users need to plan additional measures for regular data protection.

Customer Support

Good customer support is vital for managing hosting issues effectively and minimizing downtime.

  • Certa Hosting: Offers 24/7 support with UK-based customer service teams, known for their prompt responses and expertise in handling complex hosting issues. Their high customer satisfaction rates are a testament to their effective support.
  • Hostinger: Provides 24/7 global customer support through live chat and tickets. They have a multilingual team which ensures that non-English speaking customers also receive help effectively.
  • Average Provider: Typically offers 24/7 support, but the quality and speed of service can vary significantly. Some might only provide basic support with extended response times.

Staging Environment

A staging environment allows you to test changes to your website before they go live, which is crucial for maintaining site stability.

  • Certa Hosting: Provides an advanced staging tool with each plan that makes it easy to clone, test, and push changes with minimal risk to the live environment.
  • Hostinger: Includes access to a staging environment, but features might be limited compared to Certa, particularly on lower-tier plans.
  • Average Provider: May offer staging features, but they are often basic or require additional setup, which could be a hassle for less tech-savvy users.

Global CDN

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) enhances your website’s loading times and performance across different geographical locations.

  • Certa Hosting: Includes a global CDN in all plans, which significantly boosts content delivery speed worldwide, enhancing user experience, especially for international visitors.
  • Hostinger: Offers a free CDN on higher-tier plans, aiming to improve website speed and reliability.
  • Average Provider: CDNs are usually available as paid add-ons and are not always included in basic hosting packages.

WordPress Optimization

Optimized hosting solutions ensure that WordPress sites run smoothly and securely.

  • Certa Hosting: Uses autoscaling technology and NGINX edge cache to optimize WordPress performance, providing a noticeable improvement in loading times and responsiveness.
  • Hostinger: Tailors its servers with LiteSpeed caching specifically for WordPress, offering optimized performance particularly on managed WordPress plans.
  • Average Provider: Generally includes some level of WordPress optimization, but may not have specialized technologies like autoscaling or advanced caching.


The ability to easily scale hosting resources is important for growing websites.

  • Certa Hosting: Provides seamless scalability options with their cloud hosting solutions, allowing businesses to expand resources without downtime.
  • Hostinger: Offers scalable solutions, though sometimes requiring a plan upgrade which might involve migration and setup.
  • Average Provider: Scaling services are available but can be less user-friendly, often requiring manual intervention and potential downtime.

Additional WordPress Tools

Tools that facilitate WordPress management can significantly enhance user experience.

  • Certa Hosting: Offers a comprehensive suite of WordPress tools including one-click installs, updates, and enhanced security features, making it easy to manage even complex sites.
  • Hostinger: Provides useful WordPress tools like WP-CLI for advanced users and automatic updates for convenience.
  • Average Provider: Features vary, with some providing essential tools while others might require additional plugins or third-party solutions.

Website Transfer Services

Easy migration services are crucial for users looking to switch hosting providers.

  • Certa Hosting: Assists with free and secure website transfers, focusing on making the switch as smooth as possible with minimal downtime.
  • Hostinger: Also offers a free migration service, emphasizing ease of use with a focus on minimizing technical hassle for the user.
  • Average Provider: Migration services are common, but the ease and cost can vary; some might charge fees or require more user involvement.

Pricing and Plans

Understanding the pricing structures is essential to evaluate the overall value proposition compared to market averages.

Certa Hosting

Certa Hosting offers a range of pricing tiers starting from £6.99 per month for the entry-level plan. This plan includes comprehensive features such as:

  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • SSD storage
  • Free SSL certificates

These features position it as a value-packed option for serious WordPress users.

Higher-tier plans add enhanced features like:

  • Global CDN
  • Advanced security
  • Staging environments

These plans are catering to more demanding websites and businesses.


Hostinger’s pricing starts at an attractively low $2.99 per month for the initial term, making it a cost-effective choice for beginners or budget-conscious users. However, renewal rates and higher-tier plans scale up in cost.

This aligns them more closely with industry standards while still offering significant features like:

  • LiteSpeed caching
  • Daily backups
  • Free CDN on selected plans

Average Market Prices

When compared to the average market prices, both Certa Hosting and Hostinger provide competitive prices. Certa’s plans are priced slightly higher but justify this with superior performance and support. Hostinger’s entry-level pricing undercuts many competitors but adjusts to a more typical range upon renewal.

User Reviews and Market Reputation

User feedback and market reputation are critical indicators of a hosting provider’s reliability and customer satisfaction.

Certa Hosting

Users often praise Certa Hosting for its exceptional customer service, reliable uptime, and fast performance. It has garnered a reputation for providing premium WordPress hosting services with a focus on advanced features and support. Testimonials frequently highlight the benefit of its UK-based customer support and high-speed servers.


Generally receives positive reviews for its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing. However, some reviews point out discrepancies in support response times and the difference in performance between lower and higher-tier plans. Despite these issues, it maintains a strong position in the market due to its broad appeal to both novice and advanced users.

Final Verdict

In this detailed comparison, we’ve examined various facets of what makes a WordPress hosting provider stand out—ranging from performance and security to customer support and pricing.

For WordPress users who require a blend of top-tier performance, robust security measures, and dedicated support, Certa Hosting emerges as the best choice. Its commitment to maintaining high standards of service and customer satisfaction aligns well with the needs of demanding WordPress projects.

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